Motorized Equipment Maintenance, December 4, 2023

5 décembre 2023

Navigating Labour Challenges: Insights for Recent Graduates
In this inaugural Voc Talk Café for the automotive sector, the topic du jour was workforce labour expectations and issues to better prepare newcomers to Canada for the workforce. However, our discussion broadened to include how certain elements touched all sectors and professions – for example, high entry-level worker attrition – not just automotive. It raises questions about the role of education, society, and industry in addressing this. There’s a debate about whether frequent job changes are a societal norm and if industries should adapt. Emphasis is placed on developing transferable skills over specific content and allowing entry-level employees time to experience and decide on their career paths. We also considered the reasons behind international students entering vocational programs, such as immigration, entrepreneurship, and skill enhancement. Lastly, it notes the influence of social and digital media on rekindling interest in trades, especially among younger generations who see online content creation as a viable career path.

This meeting was on December 4, 2023. It was hosted by Robin Long, Provincial Vocational Training Education Consultant and Marc Vézina, Education Consultant, RÉCIT-Vocational Training, English School Boards.


By clicking on the hyperlink of one of the points in the table below, you will be redirected to the precise moment of the recording when this point was discussed.
Welcome and today’s goals
Today’s Presentation
– Historical Labor Situation
– Current Labor Situation
– Transferable Skills
– Some Enlightening Statistics
– International Students have Become and Important Source of Labour Supply
– Takeaways
– CNESST, Professional Organisations and Role of Unions
– Topic Key takeaways
Technology in Teaching Inspiration: New Book from John Hattie, Visible Learning: The Sequel. About the Use of Technology in Education…

Documents and links

The minutes
Today’s presentation
You will find the shared resources in the resource library
The VT PROCEDE website

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